Nashua Freemasons to Hold Open House October 19, 2019

Posted on September 17, 2019 by Chris Busby No Comments


To raise awareness of Freemasonry, the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, Free & Accepted Masons has announced that many New Hampshire Masonic Lodges will be open on Saturday, October 19, 2019 from 9am to 3pm. The Nashua Masonic Building is home to Rising Sun Lodge No. 39 and Ancient York Lodge No. 89 as well as many other appendant Masonic bodies.

All are invited to visit their local Lodge to learn about the history, teachings, and mysteries surrounding Freemasonry.

Freemasonry has permeated the cultural consciousness for centuries. It has been portrayed in traditional and social media as a secret society, a drinking club, and a playground for the world’s powerful elite men. Yet the reality of the world’s oldest fraternal organization is far more compelling than any of the fiction that surrounds it.

In many ways, Freemasonry is the original social network. It is a place where men, regardless of their age, financial status, religion, sexual orientation, or political leanings can meet and relate in a deep and meaningful way. Unlike modern social media, however, discussion of religious dogma or politics are strictly forbidden in Masonic meetings.

“In an era where a male-only institution may seem antiquated to most, I find that Freemasonry is one of the last remaining places in our society where a man can learn to be a gentleman. It is an organization where love, equality, and integrity are strongly reinforced”, said Chris Busby who is an officer of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire and a member of Ancient York Lodge No. 89 in Nashua.

It is crucial that our communities know of the important impact Masons have in their neighborhoods”, said Kenneth A. Clay, Jr, Grand Master of Masons in New Hampshire.

“We open our doors to show the world that the real secret of Masonry is the brotherly love and affection we have for those around us. I encourage you to visit a Masonic Lodge near you on October 19 to discover the many positive ways that we are building better men, family members, and citizens.”

Origins and Freemasonry in New Hampshire
Although the origins of fraternal Masonry are cloudy, Operative trade guilds of Masons began accepting the first “Speculative” Masons as early as 1634. The first Grand Lodge, or governing body for a group of Masons, was founded in 1717 in England.

Freemasonry in New Hampshire began in Portsmouth in the 1730s with St. John’s Lodge No. 1 which is one of the two oldest continuously operating Masonic Lodges in America. The Grand Lodge of New Hampshire was founded in William Pitt Tavern in Portsmouth in 1789, which still serves as an active Masonic Lodge and museum at historic Strawbery Banke.

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