Greetings from the West
Please join me in congratulating and thanking Worshipful Michael Mader, and the entire officer line for navigating our lodge through the past two years. Worshipful Mader would tell you that he didn’t really get to do much over the past two years due to Covid.
The truth is, he didn’t get to do what he had planned for the two years, but what he did do was nothing short of excellent. Worshipful Mader brought our brethren closer together while Covid, and the world, tried to further separate humanity. He did this by any means possible; video chat ( Zoom/Webex/Facetime ), eMail, Facebook Messenger, Texting, outdoor gatherings, in person gatherings, and so on.
As Worshipful Mader steps from the East, and I ascend those 7 steps to move to my new station in the East, I look to the West, South, and about the lodge with love and gratitude. I know these brothers well, and know just how hard they have worked for our lodge, and know they will continue to grind away in the quarries selflessly . In the past two years I have witnessed a sort of fraternal rebirth in Ancient York, and I plan to continue forward with the momentum we built in 2020 + 2021 in terms of fraternity.
We have a full year planned with weekly activities as well as special events such as our Evening of Masonic Light. We will be hosting our own Past Master and D.D.G.E.O, Right Worshipful Ryan Flynn On February 1st for a discussion on “A Contemplative Approach to the EA Degree”, and then again on April 5th to discuss, “A Introspective Approach to the Master Mason Degree”. We will join Rising Sun on February 12th for their Comedy Night, and then on April 30th, travel to Jenks Lodge in Rhode Island for their Speak Easy night. We are also starting a plan for an Ancient York Pig Roast sometime this year as well.
There will be much more information forthcoming in an email from the East once the installation is complete. Until then, I wish you all a very happy and safe New Year.
Gary Waters
Senior Warden (Worshipful Master-Elect)
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