February 2020 Master’s Message

Posted on January 29, 2020 by Chris Busby No Comments


First off, I would like to say thank you for the honor you have given me by electing me as the Worshipful Master of Ancient York Lodge. It is truly a humbling experience and I look forward to the challenges and celebrations.

The officers and I are gearing up for what is looking to be an exciting year and we’re going to kick off February by entering a new member. You can plan on some really fun Fraternal parties, excellent degree work and some great Masonic education in this upcoming year.

Keep in mind that our lodge will be having a 150-year celebration coming up and I hope everyone can come out and celebrate together.

I would like to personally invite everyone to come to a meeting, especially if you haven’t been to lodge in a while and see how your lodge is doing and shake hands with your Brothers, new and old. I look forward to the next year with this great line of officers that I have the pleasure to work with and lead you into what should be a great year.

Hope to see you all soon!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Michael R. Mader

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