Grand Lodge – One Hundred Sixty-Fifth Semiannual Communication
The One Hundred Sixty-fifth Semiannual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of NewHampshire, F.&A.M., will be held at the Masonic Temple, 1505 Elm Street, Manchester, NH on Saturday,November 19, 2022. Grand Lodge will open at 9:30 A.M.
Masters and Wardens in the regalia of office and the Lodge Representatives shall attend. If a Master,Warden, or Lodge Representative is unable to be present, he should designate a member of his Lodge ashis proxy. Your attendance is important because your Lodge needs voting representation, and you willreceive pertinent and beneficial information to report back to the Lodge. Lodges must be represented at theopening and closing of Grand Lodge.
Like the previous sessions of Grand Lodge, printed credentials will NOT be provided. All Masters,Wardens, Representatives, or their proxies, shall report to the Credential Committee table and produce acurrent dues card. They will be checked in and given a voting card, which must be filled in legibly and turnedin at the conclusion of the session. They will also receive a Grand Lodge Ballot to cast their ballot for theelected Officers of Grand Lodge for the year 2023-2024. The ballots will be collected and tabulated duringthe session.
All other voting members, Past Grand Masters, Past District Deputy Grand Masters, Permanent Members,and current Grand Lodge Officers are to also check in with the Credentials Committee to receive their votingcards and ballots.
Admission to the Semiannual Communication will be by presenting a current Dues Card. Attire for LineOfficers will be morning suit and attire for Grand Lodge Officers will be tuxedo with full regalia.
ForLodge Brethren, a tuxedo, business suit, or jacket and tie are appropriate.
8:00 A.M. Coffee and donuts – dining hall
8:00 A.M. Registration and EDCOMM book sales – first floor lobby
9:30 A.M. Opening of Grand LodgeDiscussion and voting on related business itemsElection of Grand Lodge Officers for 2023-2024Election of MasoniCare Board Members
12:00 P.M. Lunch1:00 P.M. Resumption of LaborMasonic Guest Speaker
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