December 2019 Master’s Message
I am writing this message with a heavy heart. We have just lost another Lodge Brother. Brother Jack Brenner was the Tyler of our Lodge for many years and an honorary member of Ancient York Lodge.
He always had a smile when speaking to Brothers at the door of our Temple; both new and old. If I had a bad day, I could give him a call and he would always raise my spirits. This year we have lost several Brothers that were so very dear to us.
Freemasons are bound together, not by ties of blood, but by bonds of mutual interest, helpfulness, and affection. The broad charity and common justice which impel us to be good men and true in the community is in our association, developed that Brotherly Love which inspires us to spend and be spent for those who are joined with us.
As many of you know, I try to call two or three Brothers a day just to check-in. I ask for each of you to do the same.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Mike Henry
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