April 2023 Master’s Message
I will start by wishing you all a most blessed Passover/Easter/Laylat al-Qadr/Vaisakhi. These
observations represent 4 different religions, Judaism/Christianity/Islam/Hindu:Sikh, and yet
they all celebrating a new beginning, whether it be the Prophet Muhammad receiving the
Qurʾān from God, or the rebirth of Jesus, or the birth of Sikhism, or the liberation of the
Israelites, It is fitting these are all celebrated in the month of April. In New England, April is
the month of optimism. Consider the saying, “April showers bring May flowers” It focuses on
the result, not the soggy cold day that brought about those flowers.
This idea of optimism does not belong to a single religion, nor does it have to belong to a
particular month or day. This is something we can all employ and use every day. Remember
that you here today may be working through some soggy rainy times, but you will get
through, and there will be sunnier times. If you see a Brother who appears to be “caught in
the rain”, make a point of helping him get through to the sunnier times. I guarantee, if you do
this, you will also feel better.
We were unable to get together in March due to nasty weather. Indeed, I was a more than a
little disappointed to miss seeing you all. I look forward to every opportunity to sit with you
good men in our lodge. I am excited to see you all on April 11th in our lodge.
Speaking of April Stated Communication, we will be discussing the items to be voted on at
the 234th Annual Communication on May 20, 2023.
Other topics to be discussed include; Evening of Masonic Light, Veteran’s Night, our E.A.’s
degree experience, and more. Our brother Junior Deacon, Peter Daigle will be bringing us a
bit of education regarding Entered Apprenticeship in a talk he has prepared. It promises to be
a good evening of brotherhood through Masonry . Please join us if you can.
Gary D. Waters, Jr.
Worshipful Master
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