Wor. Bro. Chris Busby’s Message From the 2015 Officer Installation
Most Worshipful Grand Master, Right Worshipful District Deputy Grand Master, the Installing Suite, Past Masters of Ancient York Lodge, Brethren, and friends: Good Afternoon.
I want to thank all of your attendance today and the courtesies you have extended me. I cannot begin to express how special this day is.
I want to especially thank my family, and particularly my wife Aimee – who has so steadfastly stood by and supported my membership in this Fraternity. She has put up with a lot over the years. But, she knows how much Freemasonry and Ancient York Lodge mean to me. I hope that through my participation in the Craft, she feels as though I have become a better and stronger man, a better husband, and a better father to my girls.
Also, I want to thank my parents, Bruce and Barbara Busby for instilling in me the values that have brought me this far in my life.
Finally, I want to thank Worshipful Michael Henry who has by his example taught me the true value of Brotherly Love; the gift of which I hope I will carry forward with me for the rest of my life.
Thank you!
It is an honor and a privilege to be the Master of so fine a Lodge of men as this one. We have come a long way together.
Allow me to be candid: Ancient York Lodge was at one time, a Lodge in peril. Its very future existence was extremely uncertain. By the work of leaders such as Worshipful Brother Joe Beaumont and Worshipful Brother Michael Henry, any many, many of the fine Brothers in this room, we have arisen from the ashes.
That being said, an immense amount of work is ahead of us. The theme of my term as Master is “Strengthening the Foundation”. By that, I mean that we must do the basics extraordinarily well; Ancient York Lodge can and should be a pinnacle example of what it means to be a Masonic Lodge.
We can accomplish this in a number of important ways:
We must work to effectively impart the lessons of Freemasonry to our candidates with dignity, seriousness, and passion.
We must focus on the continual Masonic education of all Brethren; new and old, and open each other’s minds to new horizons of Light.
We must strengthen our genuine bonds of friendship and Brotherhood. We must never be afraid to ask for, or to provide a Brother help and emotional support. We must always be ready to whisper good council in another Brother’s ear and be always willing to accept it graciously. We must rejoice in each other’s happiness, and by so doing, we will create bonds and memories that will last a lifetime.
We must truly adopt each other’s families as our own, and radiate the Love that we feel for our Brethren within the Lodge, to their loved ones without it, without distinction.
We must increase our support for our youth organizations: Rainbow and DeMolay. That being said, it is my hope that with your support, that we can help to return DeMolay to Nashua.
We must reach out to our community, and be a known quantity and a positive force. It is my goal to begin annual scholarship to assist students of Nashua in the study of the Liberal Arts & Sciences.
Finally, we must have fun, because everything that is worth doing is worth enjoying.
These things can only be accomplished with strong, determined, and smart group of officers, and that’s exactly what we have.
I am so excited for 2015, and I am certain that we will do great things together.
Thank you and may the Great Architect of the Universe bless you all!
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