From the East – March
My wife and I traveled to Springfield ME, about 20 miles from the Canadian border a couple of Sundays ago. Bill Gould and his wife Judy own a beautiful Bed & Breakfast there.
Bill was Master for Ancient York #89 during 1982-83. Bill has Alzheimer’s and has lost his ability to speak. He is able to walk but doesn’t go outside. He looks well and still remembers some things. I really think he knew who I was. His wife is an angel and takes care of him 24/7.
We brought him a plaque that says the dates when he was Master and the date he was raised as a Master Mason. Bill wears a lot of hats during the day. We are having a hat made for him that will have the Lodge name on it.
His wife, Judy is on Facebook if you want to drop her a note it I think she’d like that. Brethren, this is why I send out notes and cards and ask you to write back so we know how you’re doing.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
W ∴ Michael S. Henry
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