Ancient York Masonic Speaker Series – Bro. Patrick Craddock
200A Main St.
Nashua, NH, 03060
United States

On Saturday, April 13th, Ancient York Lodge is pleased to present an evening of Masonic Speakers. With us, we will have Worshipful Bro. Paul Smith, and our keynote speaker, Worshipful Bro. Patrick Craddock. Lodge will open at 4:00 PM with the program to follow. Immediately afterward there will be Social Hour, followed by dinner. Tickets are $25 per person.
You may purchase tickets securely on PayPal here:
About Our Speakers
W∴ Paul C. Smith is Past Master of Rockingham Lodge No. 76 in Candia, NH. Bro. Smith is the Founding Master of General Court Lodge No. 1784 (America’s only special, legislative lodge) and is the Founding Master of Phoenix Lodge No. 105.; New Hampshire’s first “traditional observance” lodge. He is a trustee of NH MasoniCare and is currently serving as a Grand Steward.
W∴ Patrick Craddock, our keynote speaker, is a contributing author to Encyclopedia of Tennessee History, C. Van West, ed., as well as past-curator of exhibits at the Carter House Museum, Franklin, Tennessee. Initiated, Passed, and Raised in O.D. Smith Lodge No. 33, Oxford,Mississippi, he is a life member of Hiram Lodge No. 7, Franklin, Tennessee and the current Worshipful Master of Conlegium Ritus Austeri No. 779 in Nashville (as well as a charter member of same). Additionally, he is the owner of The Craftsman’s Apron (, manufacturers and providers of the highest quality Masonic regalia. Brother Craddock will address the brethren on the subject of Masonic aprons and there importance to the Brethren.