7th Annual Evening of Masonic Light

Posted on January 14, 2018 by Chris Busby No Comments
AYL 7th Annual Evening of Masonic Light


Saturday, April 14, 2018 beginning at 4PM


$45 per person
Tickets for Master Masons who were Raised since April 14, 2016 are $15.00. You may purchase tickets here.
Only 75 total tickets are available.


Nashua Masonic Temple
200A Main Street
Nashua, New Hampshire 03060

A Lodge of Master Masons will open at 4PM with a banquet to follow.


Keynote Speaker

Worshipful Brother Robert Herd

“Nothing New Under the Sun: Ancient Wisdom and Modern Man”


Brother Herd served as Grand Orator of the Grand Lodge of Colorado in 2012. Also in 2012 he published a book: The Initiatic Experience: Ancient Paths That Lead to Your Initiation into Freemasonry. The book explores many of the historical, and anthropological parallels that the philosophy of Freemasonry shares with many ancient cultures and civilizations throughout history. For six years, he owned and operated Living Stones Masonic Magazine, a full color, hard copy magazine distributed monthly worldwide.

He is a Founding/Charter Member of Enlightenment Lodge #198, a Traditional Observance lodge in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He is Past Master of Tejon Lodge #104 in Colorado Springs, a member of East Denver 160 traditional observance lodge, a Past District Lecturer for the greater Colorado Springs area, a member of the York Rite bodies, 32* KCCH, Reunion General and Director of Education for the Southern Colorado Consistory AASR/SJ. He is a member in the SRICF Rosicrucian college of Denver. He is the Grand Delegate for North America for l’Ordre Martiniste. WB Herd has traveled and spoken around the world including on the Dateline NBC show with author Dan Brown regarding Freemasonry, as well as on Turkish national television educating Muslim people about Regular Freemasonry with Mr. Adnan Oktar a television personality in Istanbul. For the past 22 years WB Herd has worked for an international leadership and management training organization and has endeavored to bring such leadership talents he’s learned and experienced to Freemasonry through leadership workshops he’s facilitated around the country for lodges and Grand Lodges.


Guest Speaker

Worshipful Brother André Béliveau

“The Secrets of a Stated Meeting”

W ∴ B ∴ André Béliveau is the current Worshipful Master of Port Jervis Lodge No. 328 in New York State, a 32° Mason of the Scottish Rite-Southern Jurisdiction Valley of Greensboro, and has been a Freemason since 2008. He is a full time college student, currently pursuing degrees in Early Modern History and the British Atlantic World, after having worked in the emergency services field for several years. As an avid seeker and researcher of the spiritual and historical aspects of the Craft, he is an advocate for contemplative, observant Freemasonry, and has lectured in Lodges across the U.S. and Europe.


Host Speaker

Bro. Gary D. Waters, Jr.

“Society, Community, & the Current Need for Freemasonry”

Brother Waters is the current Senior Deacon of Ancient York Lodge. He has over 30 years of training in martial arts, and owned a school for 15 years. He is a 4th degree Master black belt in two styles. He is an active Shriner, and currently progressing through the York Rite.

This is a Tiled Master Mason Lodge Event; A 4-course Banquet to Directly Follow with Social Hour.

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