A shining beacon of Freemasonry in Nashua since 1871.
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Our keynote speaker will be author Worshipful Brother Robert Herd. Herd is a Founding and Charter Member of Enlightenment Lodge 198, a Traditional Observance lodge in Colorado Springs, Colorado currently serving as Chairman of Masonic Education. In 2012 he served as Grand Orator for the Grand Lodge of Colorado.He is a Past Master of Tejon Lodge 104 in Colorado Springs, and also an Associate Member of Lodge of Living Stones #4957 in Leeds England founded by W.L. Wilmshurst. WB Herd is a Past District Grand Lodge Lecturer for the greater Colorado Springs area, and served two years as the Membership Committee Chairman for the state of Colorado. He is a member of the York Rite bodies, 32* KCCH serving as Reunion General for the Southern Colorado Consistory AASR and serves as Wise Master in the Chapter of Rose Croix. Other esoteric orders Bro. Herd belongs to include the Rosicrucians SRICF), and the Martinist order.
He recently published his first book The Initiatic Experience: Ancient Pathways that Led to Your Initiation into Freemasonry, available on Amazon.com. He also publishes Living Stones Masonic Magazine, one of the only hard copy monthly Masonic Magazines in the U.S. He is co-creator of www.TheSanctumSanctorum.com the most comprehensive Freemasons only Forum on the internet.
Also Speaking will be Malcolm Wooff, District Education Officer for the 2nd Masonic District of the Grand Lodge on New Hampshire, and Ryan J. Flynn, Senior Deacon of Ancient York Lodge no 89.
The evening will be capped by an 18th century tavern-style Agape meal.
It will be an event not to be missed! Brethren, please join us!
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